Bradley is a great miniaturist and a great friend. Here, he will share some of his thoughts, tips, and tricks.
The Spirit of the Holiday Season!
No matter what holiday you happen to celebrate during the winter months, miniatures transcend the differences. The creation of holiday miniatures was an important aspect of the Dorsett family’s projects for The Scale Cabinetmaker! There were several covers that had a holiday theme and many pages were devoted to creating toys that were accurate reflections of Jim Dorsett’s past. His metal pedal car comes to mind…. I love the holidays and as I have aged, it is not as much about the gifts I receive, but the gifts I can give. I love to entertain, bake goodies and find something … Continue reading →
Birthday, Guild Shows, and More
10-3-2019 It is the wee hours of my 56th birthday and I vacillate between feeling like Sally Field when she exclaims “they like me, they really like me” as she accepts an Oscar or Margaret O’Brien as Tootie, the precocious youngest child of the Smith family in the movie “Meet Me in St. Louis”! Tootie is riding on the ice wagon and states “wasn’t she lucky to be born in her favorite city?” I too feel that way about being born in the month of October! My birthday, which is the first part of the month, and generally the weather … Continue reading →
Happy 4th of July (B. Meinke)
As the nation celebrates its birthday, I am taken back to one of my favorite years-1976! The Bicentennial was a very important year for all kinds of handcrafts and especially the art of scale miniatures. Dollhouses and the myriad of items that go with them were at one of the first peaks in their history. There were miniatures available at all kinds of places from the major catalogs which many of us remember as “Wishbooks” to roadside venues such as Nickerson Farms…I remember traveling with my family and looking at the rows of little things displayed at my eye level…all … Continue reading →
Words of Inspiration from: Bradley L. Meinke
Let me introduce myself, my name is Bradley L. Meinke, I am an IGMA (International Guild of Miniature Artisans) recognized creator of fine-scale miniature items. I have been active/ interested in the hobby since I was quite young. I love the history of the hobby and I actively try and promote and preserve the past at every step. The Scale Cabinetmaker has played an important part in my life for about 25 years or so. I was introduced to the publication from one of my mentors and devoured the knowledge in the first group of issues she gave me. I … Continue reading →