An Encyclopedia for the Scale Modeler:
20 years
80 issues
4420 pages of content (not advertisements)…
There was a reason TSC was called “the reference journal for the miniaturist.”
Note: All issues of The Scale Cabinetmaker are available by issue as digital downloads. CD roms of volumes of TSC are being phased out. There are a few left and can be ordered by contacting us at
Table of Contents
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 1, Number 1
- Modifying an Early American Secretary Kit (Realife 228)
- Modern Wegner Folding Chair
- Oriental Rug Knotting
- Hunting the Victorian Cabriole with Knife and Dental Burr
- Victorian Rococo Settee
- Linear Measurement & Tools
- The Whitman House, Part 1
- Miniature Rooms: A Point of Reference
- Why Scale?: An Editorial Essay
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 1, Number 2
- The Slaw Bed: An 18th Century Murphy
- Basswood: maddening, Maligned, and Indispensable
- American Secretary Kit Modification, Part 2
- Easier by the Dozen: The Parson’s Table
- Miniature Rooms: A Different Point of View
- Cutting Queen Anne Cabriole Leg Blanks
- Smithfield Plantation Roundabout Chair
- Curvilinear Measurement & Scale Conversion Chart
- Art Nouveau Parlor Cabinet
- The Whitman House, Part 2
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 1, Number 3
- Modeling From Prototype: 17th Century Gateleg Table
- The Whitman House, Part 3
- Shaker Pedestal Stand
- Working with the Dremel Moto-lathe
- Introduction to Hand-Woven Caning
- Caning: Victorian Factory Side Chair
- Caning Contemporary Bamboo Headboard
- Bargello: Miniatures in Flame
- Victorian Transitional Side Chair
- Practice in Rushing and Turning: Shaker Ladderback Chair
- Kitbashing X-Acto’s Cupboard and Drysink
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 1, Number 4
- The Whitman House, Conclusion
- Dying with Natural Dyes
- Leisure Furniture in the Early 1900’s
- Porch Swing
- Adirondack Chair
- Folding Desk Chair
- Modeling A Farm Kitchen (Kitbash) Part 1 (Icebox, Cabinet, Sink, Range, & Utility Table)
- Woodturning On the Metalworking Lathe: part 1, Chisels
- Casebound Bookbinding in Miniature
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 2, Number 1
- Miniature Dimension & The Architect Scale
- Christmas Toys (Pull Toys, Doll Carriage, and Grenier Doll)
- Marbling Paper for Miniature Books
- Intro. To Embroidery on Canvas
- A Tomorrow Rug
- Woodturning on a Metalworking Lathe: Part 2, From Hand to Machine Control
- Chippendale in Suburbia
- Carving A Ball & Claw Foot on a Cabriole leg
- Chippendale Tea Table
- Kitbashing X-Acto’s Arm and Side ChairWing Chair, and Sofa
- Modeling A Farm Kitchen, part 2
- Caning: Late Empire Couch
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 2, Number 2
- Philadelphia Chippendale Dressing Table
- Modifying An X-Acto Kit Lowboy
- Sheriton Night Table
- Embroidery on Fabric: Three Techniques for Rugs
- Fill Your China Cabinet … With Cardstock
- TSC Product Review
- Magnetic Holding Jig, Canadian Country Furniture Kits, Iron-On Pattern Transfers
- Woodturning On A Metalworking Lathe: part 3, Forms Tools & Profiling
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 2, Number 3
- Intro. To Stenciled Decoration
- Three Drawer Cottage Chest
- Stenciling in Miniature
- A Braided Rug
- Substitute Rugs
- A Bed-Sitting Room, Part 1
- Hidden Wiring in the Prefab Miniature House
- 1933 Dutch Colonial House (Elevation Drawings)
- Assembling A Square Carcase
- TSC Product Reviews
- Cherry Working Windows and Doors
- Late 19th Century Stained Glass Kits
- Cabinet Hinge Materials
- Miniatures Catalog
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 2, Number 4
- Detailing A Federal Row House (Kitbash), Part 1
- Bed-Sitting Room, Part 2
- A Thoroughly Modern Tuxedo Sofa
- Modifying a Realife Wing Chair
- The All-Purpose Shaper/Saw Table, Part 1
- Silk Oriental Rug
- Plastic Pipe Patio Furniture
- Lighting Shadows to Scale
- TSC Product Reviews:
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 3, Number 1
- Detailing A Federal Row house (Kitbash), Part 2
- Painless Balustrades
- Victorian hall Tree
- Petit Point Christmas Stocking
- 19th Century Sarouk Needlepoint Rug
- The Useless Toys of Christmas
- 1877 Bentwood Sled
- 1914 Pedal Car
- Lamp-Mounted Adjustable Work Clamp
- Making Scale Dowel With A Drawplate
- Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 3, Number 2
- Mission Oak Billiard Table & Davenport
- Voltage & Resistance in Miniature Lamps
- Miniature Quilts in Cross Stitch
- All Purpose Shaper/Saw Table, part 2
- Two Contemporary Commodes
- Late Georgian Room Box, part 1
- Kitbashing A Realife Music Room Kit
- Bed-Sitting Room, Part 3
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 3, Number 3
- An Early American Room (Intro.)
- Early American Wing-Back Sofa, Matching Chair and Ottoman
- Accessories For An Early American Style Family room
- Lathe Copy Attachment
- All Purpose Saw/Shaper Table, part 3
- Late Georgian Room Box, Part 2
- Building a Simple Bookcase
- Candlewick Bed Spread
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 3, Number 4
- Dressing a Four-Poster Bed
- Late Georgian Room Box, part 3
- Making Flutes With A lathe Copy Attachment
- Oak Roll Top Desk
- Scale Measurement Conversion Chart & Its use
- Country Kitchen Cabinet, c. 1890
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 4, Number 1
- Ecoinear or Corner Shelf
- Late Georgian Room Box, Conclusion
- John Hall Empire (Console, Side Chair, and Looking Glass)
- Oak Coffee Table
- Glossary of Cabinet Joints
- 1940’s oak Ranch Sectional Sofa and Arm Chair
- Ball & Claw from Wooden Beads
- Helical Fluting With The Lathe Copy Attachment
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 4, Number 2
- Two Empire Clocks
- Lathe Copy Attachment: Turning Slender Spindles/Making Square Socket Chucks
- Butterflies for Stitching
- Popcorn Popper
- Introduction to Handwoven Caning
- Mid-Victorian Bedroom
- Renaissance Revival Caned Side Chair
- Cottage Drop Leaf Table
- Victorian Pedestal Table
- Cutting Tools for the Lathe Copier
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 4, Number 3
- Finishing Minis is Different, Part 1: Tools for Holding & Preparing the Surface
- Southwestern Spanish Daybed Frame
- Charlton house Kitbash, Part 1
- Millwork For Miniatures: Chair Rail
- X-Acto Queen Anne Tea Table Kitbash
- Installing a Small Flourescent Light
- Disc Sander for the Miniaturist’s Workbench
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 4, Number 4
- Combination Folding Bed, c. 1897
- Colonial Penguin Table
- Build-It Yourself Surfacer/Thicknesser
- Making a Singl-Flute Molding Cutter
- Firescreen Desk
- Modern Classic Dining Table & Chairs Kitbash
- Charlton House Kitbash, Part 2
- Dentil Cornice Molding
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 5, Number 1
- Assembling A 1937 Cord (Kit)
- Finishing Mini’s is Different Part 2: Coloring
- Williamsburg Interior Room Box, Part 1
- Mounting Table for the Dremel Moto-Tool
- Empire Caned Rocker
- Side Chair & Wicker Shelf (X-Acto Chippendale Shelf Kitbash)
- Cross-Based Candlestand
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 5, Number 2
- Empty Rooms (Chas. Claudon)
- Child’s Empire Rocker
- The Nature of Metals (Al Atkins)
- Finishing Minis Is Different Part 3:
- Williamsburg Interior, Part 2
- Curved Molding & Finding Joints
- Hired-Man’s Bed
- Charlton House Kitbash: Conclusion
- Water-Coolind A Unimat Lathe
- Miniature Chess Set
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 5, Number 3
- Stenciled Room Setting
- Chippendale Commode Chair
- Williamsburg Interior, Conclusion
- Colonial Dresser
- Eastlake Secretary, part 1
- Scale Nuts & Bolts
- Finishing Plastic Furniture
- Victorian Renaissance Center Table
- Primer for Plastics modeling
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 5, Number 4
- Making Your Own Scale lumber
- Becoming A Momenticist/Figures In A Miniature Setting
- Eastlake Secretary, Conclusion
- Eastlake Couch, c. 1875
- Some Rules To See By
- Kits & Pieces X-Acto Chest & Mirror Kitbash
- Modern Table & Chair
- Lathe hand Turning Tools
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 6, Number 1
- Basic Carving With An Exacto Knife: Empire Sofa
- Kits & Pieces: Part 2, Lattice Bed & Screen
- Danish modern Sideboard
- Doll’s Folding Chair
- Drilling Jig with Pilot
- 1938 Fiberboard Dollhouse & Furniture
- Operating Tin-Plate Toy Train in 1” Scale
- Making Special Purpose Hinges
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 6, Number 2
- Basic Carving With An X-Acto Knife: Serpentine Table
- Special Metal-Working Techniques in Miniatures
- Pot Bellied parlor Stove
- Queen Anne Fixed Head Daybed
- Baking Day (Description of a Country Kitchen
- Index to TSC Vols. 1-5
- Kits & Pieces, Conclusion: Side Chair & Hanging Shelf
- Modifying the Chopper
- Fretwork Miniatures
- Adjustable Fence for the TSC Thicknessing Sander
- Adapting a Shaper Table for Curved Work
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 6, Number 3
- Franklin Fireplace/Stove
- Faking A Side Board
- The Slicer (Chopper Modification)
- Glitches & Twists in Needlework
- 1/2” Scale 1810 Bed Step
- Kitbashing A Settee From Some Queen Anne Chairs
- 1949 TV & Record Changer
- Photographing a TSC Cover
- The Scratch Tool
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 6, Number 4
- Norwegian Bride’s Chest, Part 1
- Connecticut High Chest
- 1880 Morris Chair
- Accessory Bases
- Fine Adjustment for the TSC Wood Surfacer
- Clothes Wringer
- How I Built the Store (c. 1880): Part 1
- Chess & Checker Board
- 1950’s Federal End Table & Coffee Table
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 7, Number 1
- Norwegian Bride’s Chest, Part 2
- 19th Century Christmas Toys
- Noah’s Ark
- Nuremberg Kitchen
- 1/2” Scale Windsor Side Chair
- Duncan Phyfe Window Bench
- Exhibiting Made Easier
- Fine Adjustment for the TSC Shaper Table
- Accessories: Made & Found
- How I Built the Store, Part 2
- Empire Extension Dining Table
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 7, Number 2
- Roman Curule Chairs
- Planning for Access to Miniature Displays
- Electric Hand-Drill Lathe/Sander
- Building a Portable Sawdust Collector, Part 1
- Chippendale Federal Sofa, c. 1795-1805
- Tricycle Baby Carriage, c. 1870
- Hardware Drawings for Profile Photoetching
- French Provincial Chaise Lounge
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 7, Number 3
- How I Built the Store, Conclusion
- Working Desk Lock
- Carving On A Curved Surface: Tea Poy
- Mending Breaks
- Multi-Display Workhorse Transformer
- Operating Ceiling Fan
- Mayflower Stool
- 1/2” Scale Chippendale Canopy Bed
- Combating Workshop Sawdust, part 2
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 7, Number 4
- Spinning Wheel, Part 1
- Four Canterburies
- Pin Driver for Miniatures
- Finishes
- Grinding A Profiling Tool For Wood Turning
- 1949 Haywood/Wakefiled Modern Bedroom Set
- Hoosier Cabinet
- 1/2” Scale Queen Anne Lowboy
- Artwork for Two-Sided Photoetching
Note: Volume 8 was the only year we tried 6 issues rather than 4, and the publication schedule nearly killed us all. We never tried it again. (MHD)
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 8, Number 1
- Decorating For A 1929 Christmas: (8)
- Child-Sized Vanity Dresser & Bench
- Artificial Christmas Tree
- Toddler’s Toys From Wards
- Shaker Candle Shelf
- Building Furniture With Commercial Spindles:
- Slat-Back Chair
- Jacobean Hutch Table
- Slat-Back Rocker
- Casablanca Ceiling Fan With A Built-In Motor
- The Green Window House
- Tudor Swiveled Bookcase
- Spinning Wheel, Conclusion
- TSC Product Review
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 8, Number 2
- Country Living (Detailing A Realife Country Room Kit)
- Twirling Boy & Girl Toy
- Distressing The Finish Of A Kit Settle
- Chair Leg & Rung Assembly With Hand Tools
- Using Commercial Turnings: Low-Back Windsor Arm Chair
- Open Wall Box
- Valet Chair
- Using The Dremel Drill Press
- Victorian Cottage Spindle Sofa
- Acrylic Table Saw Jigs & Fixtures, Part 1
- Improved Wiring Channel Router
- Regulated Dollhouse Power Supply
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 8, Number 3
- 1870 Kaleidoscope
- Table Saw Safety
- Colonial Baby Tender
- Two 18th Century Cellarettes
- American Standard Bathroom Fixtures, c. 1980
- Acrylic Power Tool Jigs, Part 2
- DC Dollhouse power Supply
- Sears kitchen Range, c. 1905
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 8, Number 4
- Queen Anne Spice Chest
- Hand-Decorated Furniture
- Table Saw Blade and Fence Adjustment
- Colonial Swinging Cradle
- Empire Lady’s Desk
- Italianate Victorian house, 1/4” Scale
- Bench-made Power Wood Carver
- Adding Pendulum Motion & Tic-Toc Sound To A Grandfather Clock
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 8, Number 5
- Antique Bird Cage
- Colonial Wooden Wash Tub and Water Bucket
- Basic Furniture Joinery With Hand Tools, Part 1
- American Bathroom Fixtures, 1940-1960
- Child’s Commode chair
- Making & Using Proportional Dividers
- Shop-Built Belt Grinder/Sander
- Sliding Miter Jig for The Dremel Saw
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 8, Number 6
- Contemporary Kitchen Cabinets, Stove & Fridge
- Colonial Rachet Candle Stand
- Shaker Wood Box
- Basic Furniture Joinery With Hand Tools, Part 2
- Dollhouse Transformer In A Coal Shed
- Realife Dining Room Kitbash
- Adapting A Dial Caliper For Direct Scale Reading
- TSC Product Review
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 9, Number 1
- Changing Times: A 1930 American Kitchen
- Kitbashing Mini-Reproduction’s Stove & Refrigerator
- Economy Breakfast Set From Sears, Roebuck
- Utility Furniture
- Six-Board Shelf, Stool
- Basic Furniture Joinery With Hand Tools, Part 3
- Hand-Carving A Canadian Art Nouveau Rocker
- Yard & Pitcher pumps In Two Scales (1” & 1/2”)
- Using Voltage Dropping Resistors & Light Emitting Diodes
- Lyre Back Italian Settee
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 9, Number 2
- A Garden house for Summer
- Building A 1930’s New England Shed
- Built-In Gardening Cabinets & Furnishings
- Lady’s Cylinder Desk
- Eastlake nursing Chair, c. 1887
- Colonial Corner Cabinet, c. 1740-50
- Dremel Drill Press Improvements
- Soldering A Wire Dish Rack
- Voysey Table, c. 1906
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 9, Number 3
- Victorian Italianate Architecture: An Introduction
- From Kit Shell To Painted lady: Italianate Row House, part 1
- Architectural Detail, part 1: Basic Brickwork
- The Christiansburg Depot, c. 1868
- Modern Sofas in 1” & 1/2” Scale
- Wire Popcorn Popper
- Weiman Desk
- Modifying The AMT Scroll Saw For Scale Work
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 9, Number 4
- Architectural Detail: Brickwork Bonds & Patterns, Part 2
- The Painted Lady, Part 2: Interior & Exterior Stairs
- A Working Gumball Machine
- Hand Tool Rest For Small Lathes
- A Chinese Chair
- Two Silver Chests
- 1/2” Scale modern Dining Room Set
- Dollhouse Power Supplies
- Tools & Costs At The Miniautres Workbench
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 10, Number 1
- French Bedroom Set, Part 1: paneled Bed
- Chinese Side Table
- Hand-Pumped Vacuum Cleaner
- Kneehole Chest of Drawers
- An Intro. To Hand Carving, Part 1: Carved Mirror Frame
- The Painted lady, Conclusion: Wiring & Interior Finish
- Micro-Adjusting Scale Table Saw Rip Fence
- Improving the Micro-Lux Drill Press
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 10, Number 2
- Cottage Garden Suite: (Tea Table, Arm Chair, Benches)
- Making Simple Castings with Polyester Resin
- Step-Top High Boy, c. 1750-1770
- Making A Kitchen Soap Saver
- Scale Brickwork Using Sand-Textured Paint
- French Bedroom Set, Part 2: Chest of Drawers
- Overhead Dado Router Fixture
- Montgomery Ward handing Desk, c. 1895
- Using a Photocopier to Reduce Plans
- Understanding A Cutting Edge
- Basic Carving, part 2: Pier Table
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 10, Number 3
- French Bedroom Set, conclusion: Bedside Table
- Colonial Low Post Bed
- Lighting Fixtures in Miniature
- Ethan Allen Upholstered Arm Chair
- Fireplaces & fireboxes
- Basic Carving, Conclusion: Fireplace Mantel
- The Small Metal Lathe, part 1: Setting Up & Finding Your Way Around
- Sharpening Carving Chisels
- TSC product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 10, Number 4
- Architectural Detail: Victorian Porch Details
- 1/2” Scale Modern Pedestal Desk
- 18th Cent. Lyre Table
- The Small Metal Lathe, part 2: Turning Between Centers (Drilling, Threading, & Reaming)
- The Cotswold Cottage, Part 1: First Floor Construction
- Improvements For The Microlux Table Saw
- Andirons, Fireirons & Accessories
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 11, Number 1
- Seven Match Safes
- 1/2” Scale Contemporary Built-In Bookcase
- 1/2” Scale Modern Swivel Chair
- Queen Anne Desk
- Shaker Cupboard Desk
- Architectural Detail: Decorative Roof Trim
- The Cotswold Cottage, Part 2: Second Floor Construction
- The Small Metal Lathe, part 3:
- Boring, Chucks & Collets
- Milling & Drilling
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 11, Number 2
- Console, Studio, & Upright Pianos
- The Cotswold Cottage, conclusion
- The Shooting Board
- Hoover Model “O” Upright Vacuum
- Kitbashing Shenandoah Design’s four Poster Bed & Chest with Drawers
- Shaker Bed Stand 93pp)
- The Small Metal Lathe, part 4: Indexing; Starting An elegant, Operating Ceiling Fan
- Modeler’s Cam Clamp
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 11, Number 3
- Oak & Artful Clutter (TSC Cover Room)
- 1931 Monitor Top Refrigerator
- Adapting Bell’s Copy Cat to the Unimat SL
- Models In A Minute:
- Shaker Wall Rack & Bench
- Bed Wrench
- Picture Frame
- Victorian Renaissance Secretary (Plans Only)
- Two Clock Cases (Tall Upright, Latern)
- Thinking In Scale: An Editorial Essay
- The Small Metal Lathe, Conclusion: Completing An elegant, Operating Ceiling Fan
- An Awl for Scale modeling
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 11, Number 4
- Traditional French Canadian Furniture
- French Canadian Serpentine-Front Corner Cabinet
- French Canadian Louis XIV Arm Chair
- French Canadian Child’s Rocking Horse Chair
- Sea Captain’s Chest
- Lighted, Operating Doorbell, Part 1
- 1920’s Modern in 1/2” Scale (Magazine Rack, Coffee Table, Two Upholstered Chairs)
- Bedside Cabinet
- 1920’s High-Oven Gas Stove
- Bench magnifier For $10
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 12, Number 1
- 1940’s Cushman Bedroom (Chest-on-Chest, Panel Bed, Bedside Stand, Dresser, Dresser Mirror, Bench)
- Basic Power tool Jigs & Fixtures
- Pembroke Table
- Architectural Detail: Windows
- Scratch-Built Window Assembly
- Pedal Operated Jeweler’s Saw
- Lighted, Operating Doorbell, Conclusion: Electronic Circuitry For A Door Chimbe &
- Microbult
- TSC Product Review
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 12, Number 2
- Drawing Room Grand Piano
- Queen Anne Corner Table
- Georgian Book Table
- Operating Cabbage Cutter
- 1920 Fireless Cooker
- Pedal Operated Duhzuki Saw
- Bending Hardwood for Miniatures
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 12, Number 3
- Christmas in a 1914 Kitchen
- Half Inch Overstuffed Furniture
- Small Hepplewhite-Style Sideboard
- 1920’s Hot Air Central Heating (Part 1)
- Architectural Details: Stairs
- Bending Hardwood
- Vienna Dining Chair
- Loop Back Windsor Chair
- Table Saw Taper Jig
- Lathe Spindle Indexer
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 12, Number 4
- French Canadian Armoire
- French Canadian Regence Table & Transitional Chair
- Bending Hardwood: Continuous Arm Windsor Chair
- Models-In-A-Minute: Three Wall Shelves
- Wrestling With Plywood
- 1920’s Hot Air Central Heating (Conclusion)
- Queen Anne Style Coffee Tables
- 1/2” Scale Occasional Pieces
- Oval top Table
- Painted Chest
- Lathe Mounted Dremel Tool Holder, Conclusion
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 13, Number 1
- Federal Style North Carolina Huntboard
- Empire Painted Settee
- Bending Hardwood: Thonet Style Bentwood Rocker
- Review of Samll Lathes For Miniaturists
- Paris Hall Chair
- Regency Dougle Gateleg Table
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 13, Number 2
- Carving Queen Anne, Chippendale & Rococo Shells
- 1915 Transitional Gas Range, Part 1
- 19th Century Sofa Table
- Model-In-A-Minute: Tired Broom & Dustpan
- 1920 Lazy Susan Apartment, Part 1
- 1900 Dining Room Set: Oak Dining Table & Side Chairs
- Model-In-A-Minute: Lincoln Table
- Solving The AMT Scroll Saw Blade Holder Problem
- Tenons & The Trestle Table
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 13, Number 3
- 1920 Lazy Susan Apartment, Conclusion
- Blue Line Oven/Stove, c. 1929
- Fold-Away Turntable Bed
- 1920’s Unfinished Furniture
- Butterfly Dropleaf Table
- Magazine Rack
- Took Trough End Table
- Screen Printing for Miniature Settings, Part 1: Screen Printing Basics & Equipment
- Transitional Gas Range, Part 2: Gas Piping & Burner Detail
- Sheraton Lady’s Writing Desk
- Scroll Saw Cross-Cutting & Ripping
- Cobbler’s Bench
- Model-In-A-Minute: Late Victorian Parlor Easel
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 13, Number 4
- Late Empire: A Neglected Era In Miniatures
- Empire Pedestal Centre Table
- Empire Scroll-Cut Couch
- Empire Chaise Gondole
- 1900 Sewing Box
- Contemporary Walnut Liquor Cabinet
- Edison Sygnet Cylinder Phonograph
- Contemporary Chicago Chair
- Knocking Out Scroll Saw Vibration
- Screen Printing, Part 2: Decals & Photos
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 14, Number 1
- American Colonial Furniture:
- Wainscot Arm Chair
- Jacobean Chest With Drawers
- William & Mary Lowboy
- Chippendale Tea Kettle Stand
- Arts & Crafts Bedroom Set (1/2” Scale)
- Bed Frame
- Night Stand
- Chest of Drawers
- Princess Drewwer
- Marbled Wood Finishes
- 1940’s Phone Bench & Stand
- Shaker Herb Rack
- Modifying the MircoMark Scroll Saw
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 14, Number 2
- Fashioning Items in Glass for Miniature Settings
- Chippendale Easy Chair
- Butler’s Table
- TSC Sanding Surfacer (Modeling Wood Thicknesser)
- Marbled Fireplace mantel, c.1872
- Foyer and Console Tables with Benches
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 14, Number 3
- Helen Dorsett: A Retrospective, 1927-1990
- Pennsylvania Spice Box on Frame, c.1740
- 1796 Cornice Design
- Sanding Finger Saver
- Fern Stand
- Art Nouveau Revisited
- Art Nouveau Cabinet (Wards, 1897)
- French Art Nouveau Cabinet
- Model-In-A-Minute: 1929 Planter Box
- TSC Power Dowel Maker
- Conservatory Table
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 14, Number 4
- George III Library Table/Ladder
- Ventilate Your Work Area
- Improving The MicroLux Table Saw
- Short-Cut Parquetry
- Mail Order Lawn Swing
- Georgian Lowboy
- The Useless Presents of Christmas Morning (Reprint from TSC 2:1)
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 15, Number 1
- The Bishop’s Living Room, Part I
- Clavichord Dulce
- Making & Using Mortising Chisels
- O Wondrous Wooton!, Part 1
- Mahogany Campaign Bed
- 1927 Sears High Chair
- Outdoor Corner Chair
- Mission Phone Stand & Bench
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 15, Number 2
- English Gothic Library Table/Ladder, c.1830
- The Bishops Livingroom, Part II
- Brass Tube Casters
- Peg Legs Construction
- O Wondrous Wooton!, (Part 2)
- Mitering Techniques with Hand Tools
- 1920’s Breakfast Nook Display Box
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 15, Number 3
- Water Queen Washing Machine
- The Bishop’s Living Room, Part 2
- 19th Century Accessory Table
- Early Canadian Washstand
- Twelve Times Projector
- Queen Anne Chest-On-Frame
- O Wondrous Wooton!, part 3
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 15, Number 4
- The Craftsman Furniture of Gustav Stickley:
- Celandine Tea Table
- Library Table & Chair
- Hanging Book shelf
- Magazine Cabinet
- Ethan Allen Heirloom Bedroom Set, part 1 (1/2” Scale)
- Arrow Spindle Bed
- One-Drawer Commode
- Queen Anne Handkerchef Table
- Rolling Cart magazine Rack & Book Through
- The Bishop’s Livingroom, Conclusion
- Kitbashed Fluorescent Light Fixture & The Multimeter
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 16, Number 1
- J.J. Deal Buggy (Part 1)
- Ethan Allen Bedroom Set (1/2” Scale, Part 1)
- Tripel Dresser & Mirror, Chest on Chest
- Queen Anne Tuck-Away Table
- Living Room Table & Chair (Greene & Greene)
- Turning Shaker Knobs with a Form Tool
- Shaker Candle Holders & Chair Rail
- Ornamental Golden Oak Table
- Slant-Top Desk-on-Frame (c1730)
- Goof-Proof Micro Mitering Jig
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 16, Number 2
- Mudejar & The Southwestern Room
- Southwestern Room Box (Part 1)
- J.J. Deal Buggy (Part 2)
- Upper Canadian Kitchen Table
- Empire Period Game Table
- Eastlake Fireplace Mantel
- Greene & Greene Living Room Chair
- Workbench Power Controller
- Table Saw Beveling Fixture
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 16, Number 3
- New Lebanon Shaker Sewing Room
- Shaker Sewing Desk
- Shaker Swivel Sewing Stool
- Shaker Hanging Spool Rack
- Shaker Utility Bench
- Portable Reed Organ
- Chippendale Basin Stand
- Southwestern American Room, part 2: Ceiling & Woodwork
- 18th Century Spanish Gateleg Table
- Spanish low Joined Stool
- Hobby Horse Riding Stick
- Octagonal Card Table
- J.J. Deal Horsedrawn Buggy, Conclusion (Harness Shaft, Whiffletree)
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 16, Number 4
- Federal Drawing Room Furniture
- Federal Sofa & Easy Chair
- New York Sofa Table
- Two Beginner’s Workbench Projects
- Arts & Crafts Mirrored Hat Rack
- Arts & Crafts Umbrella Stand
- Furniture for the Southwestern Room (Part I)
- Trestle Dining Table
- Dining Side Chair
- Late Victorian Washstand
- Two Regulator Clocks
- Vienna Parlor Clock
- Octagon Drop Clock
- Southwestern American Room (Conclusion)
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 17, Number 1
- Oak Rolltop Office Desk (Reprint from TSC 3:4)
- Molding & Machining A Bombe Cabinet Base
- Farmhouse Cream Separator
- 19th Century Blanket Box
- Southwestern American Furniture (Wall Shelf & Bench)
- Billiard Tables in Half Inch Scale
- Models In A Minute
- Shaker Step Stool
- Colonial Child’s Rocker
- Niddy Noddy
- Scale Measurement Conversion Chart
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 17, Number 2
- Eastlake Caned Swivel Office Chair
- Introduction to Hand-Woven Caning
- Country Infant Walker-Trainer
- French Restauration Lamp Table
- Table Saw Mitering Jig
- Berbice Chair
- Contemporary Mexican Cabinetmaker
- Game Room Dart Board
- Cabinet
- Three Simple Wall Boxes
- Working Draw Drapes
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 17, Number 3
- Making A Swell Bodied Cutter
- Folding Bathtub & Hot Water Heater
- Mood Changes in Scale Lighting
- Mid-Victorian Cottage Bedroom (Part 1: Four Drawer Chest)
- Recreation Room tables
- Tennis (Ping Pong) Table
- Backgammon Table
- 19th Century Wardrobe
- Kitchen Clock Shelf (Beginner’s Workbench)
- TSC Product Reviews:
- Preac Thickness Planer/Sander
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 17, Number 4
- Victorian Cottage Bedroom (Part 2):
- Spool Turned Bedstead
- Spool Turned Night Table
- Wash Stand
- Irish Pub Chair
- Making a Swell-Bodied, Horse-Drawn Cutter (Conclusion)
- Porringer Table & Cricket Table
- What-Not Shelf & Bow Front Wall Cabinet
- Graeme House Cornice
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 18, Number 1
- Wall-Hung Miniatures Display Case
- Nursery Furniture
- Baby’s Crib
- Play Pen
- High Chair
- Shaker-Style Quilting Frame
- Working Platform Scale
- Regency Library Chair/Steps
- Children’s Furniture
- Upholstered Club Rocker
- Traditional Side Chair
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 18, Number 2
- Stalking the Electronic Mouse, Part 1
- Computer Graphics Software
- Designing Simple Tile Floors
- Designing a Simple Tone Speckled Tile Floor
- A Sampling of Floor Designs
- Shaker Writing Desk
- 20′ Extension Ladder
- Built-In Kitchen Cabinets
- Base Cabinet Construction
- Wall Cabinet Construction
- Door & Drawer Construction)
- Colonial Four-Poster Bed
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 18, Number 3
- 1927 Sears Tudor Dining Room Suite
- Extension Dining Table
- Side and Host Chairs
- Buffet
- Cross Based Pub Table
- Three Early American Cradles
- Shaker
- New England Hooded
- New Jersey Hooded
- 1920’s Kitchen Cabinet
- Stalking the Electronic Mouse, Part 2 (Linoleum Rugs from the 1920’s)
- More Realistic Applied Carvings
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 18, Number 4
- The Allure of the Antique
- Victorian Folding Yacht Chair
- Chippendale Comb-back Corner Chair
- Welsh Cupboard, Huntboard & Table
- A Glossary of Cabinet Joints
- Chippendale Gentleman’s Dresser
- Arts and Crafts Piano Bench & Music Stand
- Sears Elite Gas Kitchen Stove
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 19, Number 1
- Miniature Trickery in the Third Dimension, Part 1
- One Point Perspective
- Two Point Perspective
- Building a Stage Set Room Box
- Gentleman’s Dressing Mirror
- Cabinetmaker’s Guide: Carving Miscellany
- Haywood-Wakefield Modern Dining Set, Part 1
- Case Construction With Hand Tools
- China Cabinet
- Side Board
- Sears Truphonic Phonograph (1920)
- Colonial Bedside Step-Tables
- Adirondack Chair
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 19, Number 2
- Haywood-Wakefield Modern Dining Table
- Haywood Wakefield Dining Side Chair
- Reflector Roasting Oven
- The Fine Art of Finishing, Part 1: Tools for Holding (Reprint from TSC 4:3)
- Miniature Trickery In The Third Dimension, Part 2
- One Point Furniture
- Two Point Furniture
- 20th Century Chippendale Carved Bed
- Model-in-Minute: Butter Paddle
- Early American Tavern & Curio Hanging Shelves
- TSC Product Reviews
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 19, Number 3
- Cutting Basic Dado & Rabbet Joints
- Miniature Marquetry
- Canterbury Tables & A Backdoor Valet
- Philadelphia Chippendale Sofa, c. 1750-1780
- Upright Grand Piano
- The Fine Art of Finishing, Part 2: Sequence of Assembly & Finishing
- Miniature Trickery in the Third Dimension, Conclusion: Exterior Trickery
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 19, Number 4
- Late 18th Century Connecticut Chest-on-Chest
- The Fine Art of Finishing, Part 3
- Coloring Equipment
- Bleaching
- Stains and Staining
- Ranch Style Oak Chair (c. 1940)
- 1905 Bathroom Fixtures (Kitbash)
- 1920’s Chippendale Bedroom Suite, Part 3
- Lady’s Vanity Dresser
- Dresser Bench)
- Contemporary Colonial Cracker Barrel
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 20, Number 1
- The Inglenook Room (Part 1)
- Japanese Toilet Stand
- Chippendale Bedroom Suite (Concl.)
- Bedside Breakfast Table
- Using the Internet As A Source of Scale Images for Framing
- Empire Oak Dining Room Buffet
- Melbourne Chair
- Hepplewhite and Shaker Washstands
The Scale Cabinetmaker: Volume 20, Number 2
- Why Scale … and The Scale Cabinetmaker?
- Arts & Crafts Bungalow Furniture
- Stickley Paneled Bench
- Stickley Library Table & chair
- Inglenook Furniture: Spindle Sofa
- Inglenook Furniture: Fern Stand
- The Inglenook room, Part 2: (Ceilings, Skylights, Windows, Woodwork, and Fireplace)
- Victorian Platform Rocker
- 1880’s Egyptian Style Morris Chair (Reprint from TSC 6:4)
- 1920’s Library Table